Friday, March 25, 2011

Steps and Turns

Left foot, right foot. I face a long and winding road surrounded with wildflowers and trees the height of giants. Left foot, right foot. My naked foot hits the pavement in front of me. For a while there, the path seems to be smooth and straight. Left foot, right foot. But that's when something troublesome hits. I face a fork in the road and I must choose which way I will go. Shuffle left foot, tap right foot. If I choose one way I will never know what it's like to go the other way. Tap left foot, shuffle right foot. After a lot of pondering and evaluation of all the possibilities, I turn and take a path. Left foot, right foot. I hesitate a little at first, but after a continuation of steps, I decide that this path is the best option. Left foot, right foot. I come across many more forks, I make my decision, turn, and step. Left foot, right foot. I no longer look back and hesitate whether my decision was the right one. 

My steps and turns are endless. I never look back and I never hesitate.

Left foot, right foot.

1 comment:

Brynnie said...

I love this. You are so talented.