Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Dream of Glowing People

What if we all glowed? No, not the Mormon glow. That's real stuff (I think.) I'm talking about the fake stuff. The kind of stuff that I wish was real, but sadly it isn't. 
I had a dream last night, a very odd dream. I had a dream where thousands of people gathered in a government building of some sort. It was a very beautiful building with large columns surrounding the entire exterior. You may think that this building sounds normal based on this much of my description. But it wasn't normal. It was a translucent building. You could see the outlines of the people, holding flashlights. They were protesting against... something... odd...The next thing I knew, they had all swallowed their flashlights. If that's not odd enough, they all started floating.
I don't know why I just told you that. It's fine.
I secretly have a wish to glow. It's not a secret anymore. It's fine. Don't worry, I won't go and swallow a flashlight! That would be odd. And painful. I wish I would glow every time I became extremely happy. Oh what a beautiful image! A glowing girl with permagrin. (Sad news! I was recently informed that permagrin isn't a real word! I think I'm going to cry. No matter, it is a real word in my dictionary. It's fine.)

Don't swallow your flashlight.
Lahve always,

p.s. Lose french braids (with strands of hair that have fallen out of the braid) are comfortable. They are my new favorite.


Dani said...

Oh my goodness! I wish I glowed! That sounds like a beautiful dream. It makes me want to make a movie of it or something, but some little kid might try to swallow a flashlight after seeing that movie.

p.s. you said odd 3 times in this post :) teehee

Brynnie said...

Yes! Make a movie of it! That was a beautiful dream Maddiey and you've described it wonderfully.

and what the, what the, I've never heard of this permagrin! that's why it's not forreals:)

Also, yes, swallowing a flashlight is a painful thing to do. But try it! just for fun:)