Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Twenty Two: Upset

Writer's Block. That's what upsets me. I hate being far from a computer and I have a wonderful idea for a post. Then, when I find a computer, I can't remember what I was going to write. After a while it gets rather annoying to stare at the curser blinking nonstop on a white, blank surface.
Oh how odd. I just experienced what I just said.

Can I just say that I truly wish for a typewriter? Well, I do. Oh so bad. 
I realized how much I love antiques last night as my mom showed the fam some pictures of her stay in Washington state. She was staying with her parents while her mom had a hip replacement. Before the surgery, G-ma worked at the Market. My mom tagged along and took beautiful pictures of the things that G-ma made to sell there. Talk about beautiful!

If you find a typewriter or any other old/amazing antiques, please let me know.

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