Sunday, May 29, 2011

that was it.

I never thought I would find myself saying this, but I think... I am going to miss school...

I am going to miss the beauty of making new friends. I am going to miss going to dances. Football games and basketball games. Taking pictures for homework. Blogging for english.

The scary thing about a big school like Lone Peak is that I may never see the new friends I made this year ever again. Math friends. English friends. I cry inside myself every time I think about it.

Truth be told, I am going to miss the emotional-wreck me that worried about my grades. I am going to miss my gentlemen friends that hold doors open for me.

Things change. I struggle to adapt to that change. It seems as though I finally get comfortable with the way things are and then change comes around and well... changes things.

I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. How I'm going to let go of these friendships and make new ones. How I'm going spend my summer before school starts again.

That was it. This is the end of my sophomore year.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

1 comment:

Brynnie said...

Change is my biggest fear... I hate change and I'm even going to miss school as well